ASCII Mocking Spongebob used by spongebobsay
aSCIi mOckiNg SPOngEboB uSED bY spongebobsay
ascii_spongebob(print = TRUE)
a length-1 logical flag for whether to print output to console. |
a character string containing the ASCII art. Use
to print with proper formatting.
A CHaRACtER stRINg cONtaINiNG ThE ASciI ARt. uSe cat
prInT WiTH prOper FORmatTiNg.
ascii_spongebob()#> * #> * #> ----//------- #> \..C/--..--/ \ `A #> (@ ) ( @) \ \// |w #> \ \ \---/ #> HGGGGGGG \ /` #> V `---------`--' #> << << #> ### ####> * #> * #> ----//------- #> \..C/--..--/ \ `A #> (@ ) ( @) \ \// |w #> \ \ \---/ #> HGGGGGGG \ /` #> V `---------`--' #> << << #> ### ###