Convert character vectors to Mocking SpongeBob case. This is an S3 method for character vectors. Generally, you will not be using this method directly; instead, use the S3 generic tospongebob. If you really need to use this method, you will need to do spongebob:::tospongebob.character because it is an internal method.

# S3 method for character
tospongebob(x, ..., convert.names = TRUE)



character vector with text to be converted to Mocking SpongeBob case.


onlY hERe tO sATisFy R CMd CHeCk.


logical, indicating whether or not to convert the names of the object


the input vector with its text converted to Mocking SpongeBob case. tHe inPuT VecTor WItH its TeXt ConvErTed To MOckInG SPoNGebOB cASe.

See also


spongebob:::tospongebob.character("SpongeBob-Case Conversion")
#> [1] "spONgeBoB-CAse COnveRSion"
spongebob:::tospongebob.character(c( "S3 generic function", "Mocking SpongeBob case" ))
#> [1] "s3 GEneRiC fUNctIon" "mOCkING spoNGeBoB CasE"