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spongebobcase: SPoNgeBOb-CAse cONveRSioN iN PyTHoN

tests-py-pkg PyPI

A Python library to convert text (and text in objects) to Mocking SpongeBob case and show it off in fun ways.

Also available as an R library (spongebob) or as a CLI (spongebobsay).

Installation. inSTAllATIoN.

You can get the LateST StABle VeRsIon of spongebobcase from PyPI:

pip install spongebobcase

Requires Python 3.6 or higher.

Development Version. dEveLoPmEnT VerSIOn.

To install the dEveLoPmEnT VerSIOn of this package, get it DirEcTlY fROm gItHuB:

pip install -e git+

Usage. usAGe.

from spongebobcase import tospongebob
tospongebob("a python library for spongebob-case conversion")
#> 'a PYthOn LIBraRY For sPoNgebOb-CaSe ConVERsiOn'
tospongebob(["try it on anything with strings!", "hopefully it will work!"])
#> ['tRY It ON anYThiNG wIth STRiNgs!', 'hoPeFULlY it Will WoRK!']
from spongebobcase import spongebobsay
_ = spongebobsay("you can even make magnificent ascii art")
#>  -----------------------------------------
#> | YoU CAn eVeN mAKe MAgnIFiCEnT ascII ArT |
#>  -----------------------------------------
#>   \\
#>    \\    *
#>           *
#>      ----//-------
#>      \..C/--..--/ \   `A
#>       (@ )  ( @) \  \// |w
#>        \          \  \---/
#>         HGGGGGGG    \    /`
#>         V `---------`--'
#>             <<    <<
#>            ###   ###

Snippets created on 2020-07-09 by the reprexpy package

insPIreD bY A twiTTeR CoNVErsaTIon StArtED By @jONgAllOwaY.

The author of this package claims no ownership over SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob SquarePants is the creation of Stephen Hillenburg, and its trademark is owned by Viacom International Inc. This package uses SpongeBob under fair use, and this package should only be used for personal, noncommercial purposes.